Colombia is on a roll!!! First, we freed 15 FARC hostages (who had been held captive for almost six years) in the slickest operation ever, and now, our beautiful Miss Colombia, Taliana Vargas, has won first runner up in this year's Miss Universe pageant!!!
She would have won it all, scoring the highest in both the evening gown and swimsuit parts of the competition, but Taliana's answer to her final question sealed her fate. (We are still very proud of her, though!!!)
Adding to the sense of pride, four out of the five finalists were Latina: Miss Mexico, Elisa Najera (5th); Miss Dominican Republic, Marianne Cruz Gonzalez (2nd runner up); Miss Colombia, Taliana Vargas (1st runner up); and the winner, Miss Venezuela, Dayana Mendoza.
Even the person who won Miss Congeniality Universe was Latina (Miss El Salvador, Rebeca Moreno)!!!

Here is the stunningly beautiful winner, Dayana Mendoza, who I truly can't hate on.
What I can hate on is Miss USA's inability to stay standing up. Is knowing how to walk not a requirement for being chosen??? This is the second year that a Miss USA has biffed during the evening gown competition. This year it was Miss USA Crystle Stewart...
and last year it was Rachel Smith. I think we need to get our act together, because both women were beautiful and may have placed high, had they not fallen down.
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